What’s Great About Ali?

Ali was a descendent of the Prophet Muhammad. He served as a close advisor to the second caliph, Uthman, and was also a restraining force for the Companions. In this article, we will learn about the life and achievements of Ali. Here are some facts about Ali and his importance. Let’s also take a look at his biography. What’s great about Ali? Why should we care about his life?

Ali was a child of the Prophet Muhammad

While the Qur’an and Hadith provide the primary sources for the study of Ali, there is also a large body of secondary literature that includes the writings of Sunni and Shi’a Muslims, Christian Arabs, Hindus, and other non-Muslims from the Middle East. Most of these sources portray Ali in a positive light. According to Robinson, there are around 21 monographs dedicated to the topic.

Some of the descendants of Ali by Fatimah have claimed descent from him. The Sayyid Aljabery family of southern Iraq claim descent from Ali, as does the Bukhari family of Pakistan. Another clan that claims descent from Ali is the Alaouite dynasty of Morocco. The Hashemite royal family of Jordan is also a descendent of Ali. The Isaaq clan in Somaliland and Ethiopia also claim descent from Ali. In addition to the Aljabery family, the Husseini family of Lebanon and the Hiraki family of Syria are other descendants of Ali.

He was a trusted advisor to the second caliph

The sons of Ali were Muhammad and Abu Bakr. There is also some evidence that other sons of Ali were killed in the battle of Karbala. Some historians have added the names of Ibrahim and Umar. Regardless, most historians believe that Ali was the second caliph’s trusted advisor. Despite this, he did not play a prominent role in the Islamic community until the last few years of his life.

After the death of the Prophet Muhammad, Ali ibn Abi Bakr became the second caliph. Umar was the chief advisor of Abu Bakr during his reign as caliph, and he was nominated by him as his successor. After Abu Bakr’s death, Umar was confirmed in office and Ali ibn Abi Talib was passed over as a candidate.

He was a restraining influence on Uthman

There are numerous accounts of Ali’s influence on Uthman, including his warning to the Prophet against his son. The Prophet said that Ali acted as the restraining influence in the lives of the people, particularly of the sons. Hence, Uthman should follow the instructions of Ali. According to the Prophet, he was a good leader who supported the Prophet’s cause. But Ali also acted as a restraining force on Uthman, who later grew into an aggressive and unreliable leader.

This was confirmed by the Islamic religious text faqla alayhi lsWalmu. As a result, Uthman strove to avoid enmity with Ali. But in the end, he sided with Ali, as the muslims were not willing to kill him. This is the source of the term “restraining influence” in the Quran.

He offered complete freedom to the Companions

The Prophet Muhammad gave Ali (R.A.) the command of the Muslim army. In the course of his service, Ali (R.A.) fought in nearly all battles against unbelievers. However, he was not present in the Battle of Tabuk in the ninth Hijri. In order to protect the Companions, the Prophet placed Ali (R.A.) in charge of Tabuk.

The Prophet Muhammad laid down the foundations of Islam in Madinah. In this city, he created bonds of brotherhood among the Companions and built a mosque. He also endorsed a treaty with the Jews and sent detachments. Ali (R.A.) was one of the Companions closest to the Prophet and followed his orders. He also taught the Companions from his example.

He was killed for his loyalty to the Prophet

A prominent figure in Islam, Ali was known for his bravery and participated in almost all battles against unbelievers during the time of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W). At one point, however, Ali was absent from the Battle of Tabuk. However, the Prophet had placed Ali in charge of the city, and the battle was won by the Muslims. The Prophet’s loyalty to Ali and his unwavering loyalty to the Prophet’s cause earned him the title of ‘the savior’.

During the persecution of Muslims in Mecca, Ali was an essential ally to Muhammad. He risked his life to impersonate the Prophet in 622 CE, thwarting a plot to kill Muhammad and his cousin. Furthermore, he restored all entrusted property to its rightful owners. Ali was eventually killed for his loyalty to the Prophet. However, the Muslim world is indebted to Ali’s life.

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